Karam 1 Auxiliary Event
Dec 08, 2022 07:00 AM - 09:00 AM(Africa/Casablanca)
20221208T0700 20221208T0900 Africa/Casablanca Contribute to WHO trust in emergencies dialogue: Identifying the drivers of trust and mistrust in emergencies (WHO side event)

Hosted by WHO In English.We invite participation from all Summit attendees, especially those from public health emergency preparedness and response, UNICEF and other UN sister agencies.Brought to you by the WHO Department of Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention, hear a lecture on the history of trust and emergencies in public health and what we can learn from the last 15 years of outbreaks, emergencies and crises. Then contribute your expertise and COVID-19 experiences in an interactive dialogue on identifying drivers of trust and mistrust in emergencies with a focus on bridging the distance between health systems and communities. Outputs from this session at the SBCC Summit will be combined with discussions from a global technical group to form the development of a WHO discussion document on how to measure and build trust in the context of emergencies.

Karam 1 International Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit info@sbccsummit.org
79 attendees saved this session

Hosted by WHO In English.

We invite participation from all Summit attendees, especially those from public health emergency preparedness and response, UNICEF and other UN sister agencies.

Brought to you by the WHO Department of Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention, hear a lecture on the history of trust and emergencies in public health and what we can learn from the last 15 years of outbreaks, emergencies and crises. Then contribute your expertise and COVID-19 experiences in an interactive dialogue on identifying drivers of trust and mistrust in emergencies with a focus on bridging the distance between health systems and communities. Outputs from this session at the SBCC Summit will be combined with discussions from a global technical group to form the development of a WHO discussion document on how to measure and build trust in the context of emergencies.

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 Marjorie Nana
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP)
 Susan Goldstein
SAMRC Centre for Health Economics and Decision Science - PRICELESS SA
School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand
Save The Children USA
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