Adolescents/Youth | Digital/Mobile | Entertainment Education | Gender Bahia (Mogador - located across the street) - English, Français interpretation Multimedia Presentation
Dec 07, 2022 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM(Africa/Casablanca)
20221207T0915 20221207T1030 Africa/Casablanca Entertainment Education Approaches for Nutrition and Prevention of Violence against Women and Children Bahia (Mogador - located across the street) - English, Français interpretation International Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit
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BREAKAWAY: An Entertainment-Education Game about Violence against Women and Girls
Multimedia Showcase 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/07 08:15:00 UTC - 2022/12/07 09:30:00 UTC
BREAKAWAY is one the first entertainment-education games. It was designed to raise awareness and educate youth around the world about violence against women and girls. This game uses football as an international language to engage youth (8-18) and role modeling through its main characters to present realistic scenarios where girls are mistreated because they are girls. As a first-person role-playing game, the player makes choices at various turning points and can become a "transitional character" in the story, learning about the consequences of their decisions, which may or may not help the team to win the championship if they do not break away from toxic gender norms. For over a decade, BREAKAWAY has grown from a game to an international initiative with a youth camp model, coupling gameplay with facilitated group discussions and activities for deeper learning and more sustainable change. Building on lessons learned from El Salvador and Guatemala, this presentation will showcase the game design, camp implementation, and major lessons learned about the role of digital games for SBCC interventions. 
Presenters Hua Wang
University At Buffalo, The State University Of New York
Ann DeMarle
Wendi Stein
Population Media Center
Leveraging Digital Activities & Platforms to Strengthen SBCC Interventions in Rural Areas
Multimedia ShowcasePractice-oriented proposals 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/07 08:15:00 UTC - 2022/12/07 09:30:00 UTC
Bihar is among the poorest states in India with high rates of undernutrition and high prevalence of health problems among women and children (NFHS-5, IIPS). Project Concern International India's JTSP project works with poor households in rural Bihar to influence social norms and behavior change. The project uses an entertainment drama series with health, nutrition and gender-based messaging woven into the storyline, along with mobile app based videobots, games and quizzes/contests to engage pregnant and lactating women, mothers of children under two years of age and their family members belonging to the self-help groups (SHGs) operated by the Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (also known as JEEViKA). JEEViKA's community cadres use pico-projectors for community screenings among large groups, and their smartphones for smaller meetings when visiting individual member households. JEEViKA's cadres invite the audience after each screening to take the quiz through the bot, and play the games created using the key characters from the drama series. JEEViKA cadres also share the drama episodes, bots and the games through social media platforms with community members who have access to a personal or family smartphones, to enjoy the episodes and play the games with other family members and friends. The project's strategy of leveraging edutainment and digital interventions is not only helping the project to reach larger number of rural poor, but also engaging them in fun and exciting ways.
Presenters ANDY BHANOT
Project Concern International, India
Qudwa – Using Edutainment to Challenge Violence Against Women and Children in Lebanon
Multimedia Showcase 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/07 08:15:00 UTC - 2022/12/07 09:30:00 UTC
In 2019, to counter violence against women & children, child marriage and child labour in Lebanon, MAGENTA developed the country's first National Social and Behavioural Change Communications (SBCC) Strategy, targeting three cohorts of the population in Lebanon (Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian). The strategy was branded Qudwa, meaning role-model in English. 
One of the activities under the strategy was the development of a piece of high-quality edutainment designed to shift perceptions, spark a dialogue on violence, and contribute to a favorable media environment for the successful implementation of other Qudwa activities.  
In 2021, MAGENTA produced a 20-episode 'soap opera' – Bakir – which discussed issues like child labour, child marriage, and domestic violence. MAGENTA worked with an acclaimed Lebanese script-writer, director, crew and cast, and shot the series in Bekaa and Beirut. 
MAGENTA tested the soap opera's pilot with a cross-section of our target audience. We found that, not only did the audience find the series entertaining, watching the pilot also stimulated debate about the core topics we aimed to address, particularly child marriage, intimate partner violence and violence against children.  
The show premiered in February 2022 and is already on its second broadcast run. So far it has been seen by over 1 million viewers and discussed online by over 3 million people. 
Presenters Clemence Quint
MAGENTA Consulting
Zeina Mehri
Amal Haouet
MAGENTA Consulting
Project Concern International, India
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
CORE Group
 Binita Shrestha
The Prevention Collaborative
 Sitora Shokamolova
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