Adolescents/Youth | Gender Aud des Ambassadeurs Comm Talk
Dec 08, 2022 04:15 PM - 04:45 PM(Africa/Casablanca)
20221208T1615 20221208T1645 Africa/Casablanca The Importance of the Individual

Aud des Ambassadeurs International Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit
41 attendees saved this session

Ripple the change! Changing the national narrative on girls’ empowerment, one story at a time
Comm TalkPractice-oriented proposals 04:15 PM - 04:45 PM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/08 15:15:00 UTC - 2022/12/08 15:45:00 UTC
Building on my own experience of being a young Egyptian woman, I devoted my work life to empowering Egyptian girls by triggering new conversations aimed at changing social expectations in a country that in 2020, ranked 134th out of the 153 countries in the Global Gender Gap Index; a country where only 18% of the working-age women are participating in the economy, compared to 65% of men.
Leveraging the power of storytelling, I am leading on a national project under the Government of Egypt in changing the national narrative on girls' empowerment one story at a time through the National Girls' Empowerment Initiative, Dawwie. From hieroglyphics on walls to conversing on personal stories, storytelling can be one of the most compelling ways to communicate, connect, inspire, empathize, identify a sense of purpose and eventually change the social dynamics that are harmful especially for girls. However, the large majority of the almost 19 million girls under the age of 20 years in Egypt do  not have equal opportunities to be heard or access to relevant skilling opportunities and services instrumental to support them in fulfilling their full potential.
Budding from a storytelling circle in safe spaces for girls to discuss personal choices, options and opportunities, to widening the circles with parental engagement, community dialogue and engaging with decision makers, and even entering the digital realm equipped to converse and be safe- is how Dawwie is driving the individual, social and political support to girls' empowerment. 
Presenters Dina Heikal
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Mastering the one-on-one meeting
Comm TalkPractice-oriented proposals 04:15 PM - 04:45 PM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/08 15:15:00 UTC - 2022/12/08 15:45:00 UTC
A one-on-one meeting is one of the most effective policy influence communications channels. Simply because it involves directly appealing to decision-makers and winning them over to act to support the cause. When picturing this channel most think of an advocate walking into a policymaker's office, having a dispassionate conversation on the merits and demerits about the merits of a specific measure, and persuading the policymaker to support it. But that's rarely how it works. 
Having a successful meeting is a simple yet surprisingly intricate dance in which the advocate moves the policymaker from relationship building to making an ASK and prompting action, often over several interactions.
Well Made Strategy shares their experience of working with the Kenyan Women With Disability Network on the right to health to maximise the impact of one-on-one meetings. 
Gacheri Ndumba Mbogori
Well Made Strategy
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Well Made Strategy
Mr. Rajan Parajuli
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
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