Infectious disease/COVID | Human-Centered Design (HCD) | Immunization | Non-Communicable Diseases Karam 1 - English, Español, Français, عربي interpretation
Dec 09, 2022 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM(Africa/Casablanca)
20221209T0915 20221209T1030 Africa/Casablanca Vaccine Hesitancy: It's Not Just About COVID Karam 1 - English, Español, Français, عربي interpretation International Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit
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Human Centered Design, A People Centered Approach for EPI Demand Creation Strategy and Culturally Relevant Demand Creation Products to Increase Childhood Immunization
Oral Presentation 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/09 08:15:00 UTC - 2022/12/09 09:30:00 UTC
Zimbabwe's immunization rates have remained high for the past decades at 90% coverage rates. However, despite high coverage , the remaining 10% are concentrated, which poses dangers to vaccine hesitant communities. Awareness, Knowledge ,Attitudes and Practice (AKAP) study(2018) conducted in low performing districts of Manicaland province suggested that low immunization rates were due to vaccine hesitancy driven by religious beliefs. UNICEF Zimbabwe in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) and The Nucleus Group, in response to the 2018 KAP findings used the human-centered design(HCD), to understand the underlying reasons and barriers around religious objectors in taking up vaccination. The initiative included background research , 8-day multi-stakeholder HCD capacity building workshop with 24 design researchers, a mapping activity to identify key influencers, and development of personas-character sketch, a rapid inquiry using participatory research methods in 4 communities with caregivers, family, and community members as well broader social networks. Key themes were drawn to identify patterns of behavior and common attributes and beliefs across groups. Persona data suggested that caregivers were open to receiving information on how to keep children healthy and safe and were likely to follow religious leaders' guidance about vaccination. Religious and traditional leaders can greatly influence their communities. Findings informed development of EP1 demand promotion strategy and roadmap for demand activities in hesitant communities. Using EPI coverage trend analysis data as proxy indicator for acceptability suggested that HCD demand activities had positive impact on overall coverage in low performing districts. 

Presenters Emma Mafara
UNICEF Zimbabwe
Titus Bonie Moetsabi
Loveness Chimombe
Helena Bon
Priscilla Kusena
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Egnes Makwabarara
Norman Dzirambi
Ministry Of Health And Child Care
Paul Chinakidzwa
Ministry Of Health And Child Care
DASTAK (Knocking the Door): Game-Changing Public Health Communication Story from Uttar Pradesh, India
Oral Presentation 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/09 08:15:00 UTC - 2022/12/09 09:30:00 UTC
Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES), typically with high case fatality rate (CFR), affects children primarily under 15 years of age from poor families with low literacy. Uttar Pradesh, with 60% disease burden (2017) in India, initiated Dastak (Knocking at door) programme in 2018 with UNICEF and partners. With no vaccine available against AES, prevention and early treatment took centre-stage. Three key interventions included forming an inter-disciplinary team for intervention design; Convergence of 12 government departments including unconventional partners like Agriculture and Animal Husbandry & Fisheries; and an integrated media strategy aptly using coherent branding, local culture and Bhojpuri language. With a limited population preferring government hospitals, persuasive doorstep counselling was combined with facility strengthening- engaging 2.76 million households through multi-level partners including PATH, Plan India and Tata Trust. This paid off with mortality rate declining by over 75% from 2017 to 2021. Actual treatment seeking at Government facilities grew more than three times. Awareness on AES is almost universal. Toilet usage has doubled (85%). This affordable model costs 1.06 INR (.014 USD) per person for one round of drive. Array of lessons include nurturing catalysts from political and social leadership for SBCC financing; A multi-disciplinary team at the programme design stage; Collective social capital involving non-health actors; Capacity development of managers and functionaries; media integration harnessing local culture, language and context; and lastly, Long term strategy for M&E, use of digital platforms and dissemination of results to community.
Presenters Bhai Shelly Bhai Shelly
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Perceptions et Acceptabilité de la Vaccination Anti HPV dans un Contexte Marqué par la Vaccination Anti Covid-19 : Résultats de l’Enquête Nationale sur les Perceptions et l’Acceptabilité du Vaccin Anti HPV au Maroc
Oral Presentation 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/09 08:15:00 UTC - 2022/12/09 09:30:00 UTC
 Le cancer du col de l'utérus est un problème de santé publique au Maroc. Il est le deuxième cancer féminin, et son taux est le plus élevé dans la région du Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du nord. Le Ministère de la Santé et de la Protection Sociale a noté la pertinence de la vaccination contre le HPV pour les filles âgées de 11 ans et a approuvé l'introduction du vaccin anti HPV dans le calendrier national de vaccination afin de contribuer à la réduction de la morbidité et la mortalité liées au cancer du col de l'utérus dans le pays. 
Le développement d'une stratégie de Communication pour le Changement Social et Comportemental (CCSC) basée sur des preuves constitue un axe primordial pour la réussite de l'implantation du programme de l'introduction du vaccin anti-HPV ; Plus particulièrement avec la conjoncture liée à la pandémie COVID19 qui peut influencer la prise de décision pour la vaccination Anti-HPV. 
A cet effet, le Ministère de la Santé et de la Protection Sociale et l'UNICEF ont réalisé une enquête nationale sur la perception de la population marocaine sur la vaccination anti-HPV en 2021 afin de générer des preuves sur les connaissances, la perception, le niveau d'acceptabilité, les attentes de la population, les valeurs sociales et les leviers susceptibles d'influencer positivement ou négativement l'adhésion de la population. 
Les résultats de cette étude ont permis d'orienter l' élaboration  de la stratégie CCSC pour soutenir l'introduction du vaccin dans le Royaume.  
Presenters Hala Benjelloun Andaloussi
Ministère De La Santé Maroc
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Healthcare Providers and Associated Factors in Ethiopia: Health Facility Based Cross Sectional Study
Oral Presentation 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/09 08:15:00 UTC - 2022/12/09 09:30:00 UTC
Presenters Habtamu Tamene
Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs (CCP)
Minyahil Woldegeorgis
Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs (CCP)
Co-authors Guda Alemayehu Gebru
Sanjanthi Velu
Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs (CCP)
Betemariam Alemu Tiruneh
Simon Heliso Kuka
Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs (CCP)
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP)
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP)
Ministère de la Santé Maroc
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
UNICEF Zimbabwe
 Markel Mendez
World Vision US
 Ranokhon Dododzhonova
Abt Associates, Healthy Mother Healthy Baby Activity
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