Digital/Mobile | Human-Centered Design (HCD) | Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) | Vulnerable Groups Aud des Ambassadeurs Multimedia Presentation
Dec 05, 2022 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM(Africa/Casablanca)
20221205T1400 20221205T1515 Africa/Casablanca Using Video for Capacity Strengthening and Skillsbuilding Aud des Ambassadeurs International Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit
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Digital skills training materials for India and Ghana
Multimedia ShowcasePractice-oriented proposals 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/05 13:00:00 UTC - 2022/12/05 14:15:00 UTC
Dalberg Design partnered with GSMA's Connected Society Programme to develop a needs-based, mobile-focused, digital skills training curriculum and learning materials that are relevant and impactful for citizens in India and Ghana, with a particular focus on the underserved. We collaborated with a leading MNO in each country to design and pilot the materials.
We used a combination of human-centred design, behavioural research and design and rapid prototyping approaches to understand the learning needs and challenges of underserved segments, and the use cases and ways of learning that would be most relevant to them.
As a result of this work, we developed a set of 8 short animated video modules in multiple languages for each country each of which introduced critical mobile internet skills in an accessible, approachable and contextually relevant way. We also developed supporting materials for trainers and guidelines on using and piloting the videos and training materials both online and offline.
Each MNO partner then piloted the 8 video modules and supporting materials through multiple face-to-face and digital delivery channels in each country. Based on the results of the pilot, we further refined the videos and materials, in anticipation of larger-scale roll-out later this year, and adaptation and expansion to additional countries in collaboration with local MNO partners.
These materials are being designed as free resources that stakeholders can adapt and scale to support their training efforts. Following completion of the project, the resources will be made freely available as a digital public good.
Presenters Sharon Njavika
Dalberg Design
Aika Matemu
Dalberg Design
Meet youth where *some of them* are: Recommendation videos for digital FP programs
Multimedia Showcase 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/05 13:00:00 UTC - 2022/12/05 14:15:00 UTC
The USAID-funded Breakthrough ACTION project conducted a multi-faceted assessment to understand how youth around the globe seek, vet, and share family planning (FP) information using digital technologies. Findings from the assessment informed a set of 5 program recommendation videos about how best to reach young people with correct, well-packaged family planning information using digital platforms. The recommendations are intended for those working on youth family planning and reproductive health, who are interested in leveraging digital technologies to enhance their activities' success. 

The assessment included review of documents, key informant interviews, and an online survey of youth. The project builds on existing resources, including the WHO Digital Health Intervention Framework and Principles for Digital Development, and provides actionable guidance in an engaging format.
Presenters Erin Portillo
Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs (CCP)
Catherine Harbour
Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs (CCP)
Kelsey Crow
Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs (CCP)
Kendra Davis
Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs (CCP)
The Human Account, developing dynamic and accessible data sources to support SBCC
Multimedia ShowcasePractice-oriented proposals 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/05 13:00:00 UTC - 2022/12/05 14:15:00 UTC
The Human Account is a public information resource and tool aimed at enabling better design of products and policies to help people live a healthier financial life. Around the world, whether rich or poor, we all share similar goals for our financial lives: security and the opportunity to create a better future for ourselves and our loved ones. Yet, nearly 3 billion people lack access to affordable, high-quality financial services, whether credit to start a business or insurance to cover an emergency. 
Service providers, policymakers, researchers and practitioners can use The Human Account in many ways, whether applying the insights from the 34 unique segments to deepen understanding of people's financial lives and inspire product and policy innovation, using our predictive survey tools to understand existing customers' needs, or leveraging the data to test the impact of policies and programs. 

Each of The Human Account segments are built on statistically representative quantitative data and robust qualitative data developed through HCD and documentary filmmaking. The segments describe people holistically, exploring how their context, psychology and behavioural interact to shape their financial needs, preferences and strategies. This mixed media approach aims to ensure that service providers, policymakers, researchers and practitioners understand the people behind the data. We have found this approach supports people across organizations to use The Human Account as a true resource for human-centred and data-driven research and innovation.
Presenters Sharon Njavika
Dalberg Design
Selam Zeru
Dalberg Design
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP)
Dalberg Design
 Elizabeth  Kohlway
Sabin Vaccine Institute
Oxfam in Jordan
 Mila Starling
Scholar (going into Data science and Computer Science in 2023)
Lux Terra Leadership Foundation
Mr. Rajan Parajuli
 Argemielyn Cadua-Pacumio
Argemielyn Pacumio - USAID's TBIHSS
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