Inclusion Fedala (Mogador - located across the street - no elevator access) Blue Skies Presentation
Dec 07, 2022 04:45 PM - 06:15 PM(Africa/Casablanca)
20221207T1645 20221207T1815 Africa/Casablanca Confessions of Mad Implementers

When do implementers have the space to exchange their true impressions about project designs, methods, promoted successes, flops and failures? Often not at conferences. 

In a time when we not only need to listen better to each other, but also debate how to merge methodologies, northern and southern perspectives, public and private sector interests and our obsession to trumping the field with glitzy new silver bullets, it is time to ask: 'Have you ever been "mad"? Mad (angry) about something you experienced or witnessed. Mad (crazy) in a positive or negative way, about your work, or collaboration with others? Mad (in love) with something fantastic? If so, join us for a "Blue Sky" discussion: "Confessions of Mad Implementers" to discuss issues of "mad implementation amnesia" or why we are still defaulting to the same methods; being "madly in love" with the private sector's treating of all problems as a product or with behavioral design as a seamless part of SBC, "madly disappointed" in the use of social media for misinformation or "madly convinced" that we need to develop intersectoral SBC fabrics, instead of focusing on single behaviors; or we are simply "madly aware" that the complexity we try to strip off of our behavioral designs often has to be added back in when implementing at scale. Come discuss those and other issues with us during Confessions of Mad Implementers.

Fedala (Mogador - located across the street - no elevator access) International Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit
123 attendees saved this session

When do implementers have the space to exchange their true impressions about project designs, methods, promoted successes, flops and failures? Often not at conferences. 

In a time when we not only need to listen better to each other, but also debate how to merge methodologies, northern and southern perspectives, public and private sector interests and our obsession to trumping the field with glitzy new silver bullets, it is time to ask: 'Have you ever been "mad"? Mad (angry) about something you experienced or witnessed. Mad (crazy) in a positive or negative way, about your work, or collaboration with others? Mad (in love) with something fantastic? If so, join us for a "Blue Sky" discussion: "Confessions of Mad Implementers" to discuss issues of "mad implementation amnesia" or why we are still defaulting to the same methods; being "madly in love" with the private sector's treating of all problems as a product or with behavioral design as a seamless part of SBC, "madly disappointed" in the use of social media for misinformation or "madly convinced" that we need to develop intersectoral SBC fabrics, instead of focusing on single behaviors; or we are simply "madly aware" that the complexity we try to strip off of our behavioral designs often has to be added back in when implementing at scale. Come discuss those and other issues with us during Confessions of Mad Implementers.

Save The Children USA
Osman Advisory Services
Save the Children
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
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Population Services International (PSI)
 Ester Veldhuis
International consultant in the areas of Social Impact Entertainment; Responsible and creative media and communication for development; SBCC; Edutainment
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