Reda 1 Auxiliary Event
Dec 06, 2022 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM(Africa/Casablanca)
20221206T1830 20221206T2030 Africa/Casablanca Addressing social norms with user-centred approaches

Join MSI Reproductive Choices and ThinkPlace for an interactive session showcasing a range of interventions designed to address the social norms impacting access to sexual and reproductive health services. The session will start with a market place, where you can make stops in the Sahel, DRC, Zambia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone and learn about a range of different social and behaviour change projects. This will be followed by a facilitated discussion, exploring what makes for an effective collaboration between implementing partner and design agency, with some honest reflections on how to get the most out of HCD projects, especially those focusing on social norms.

Reda 1 International Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit
82 attendees saved this session

Join MSI Reproductive Choices and ThinkPlace for an interactive session showcasing a range of interventions designed to address the social norms impacting access to sexual and reproductive health services. The session will start with a market place, where you can make stops in the Sahel, DRC, Zambia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone and learn about a range of different social and behaviour change projects. This will be followed by a facilitated discussion, exploring what makes for an effective collaboration between implementing partner and design agency, with some honest reflections on how to get the most out of HCD projects, especially those focusing on social norms.

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