Adolescents/Youth | Infectious disease/COVID | Digital/Mobile | Entertainment Education Aud des Ambassadeurs Multimedia Presentation
Dec 06, 2022 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM(Africa/Casablanca)
20221206T0915 20221206T1030 Africa/Casablanca Multimedia Approaches to COVID-19 Prevention Aud des Ambassadeurs International Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit
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Si toca salir, toca cuidarse: campaña radial bilingüe (Español-Ixil) de prevención del COVID-19 en Guatemala, con formato de Educación-Entretenimiento.
Multimedia ShowcasePractice-oriented proposals 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/06 08:15:00 UTC - 2022/12/06 09:30:00 UTC
En la zona Ixil del Departamento de Quiché, en Guatemala, la epidemia de COVID-19 es conocida popularmente como la epidemia del Coronavirus. Así como el nombre asignado a la enfermedad no corresponde en su totalidad a la realidad, tampoco lo hicieron una serie de usos y costumbres que afectaron la prevención del contagio y enfermedad. Para contrarrestar la información falsa se crearon 48 spots radiales con técnica de Educación-Entretenimiento, en español e ixil, que presentan escenas cotidianas de riesgo de contagio de COVID-19 en la comunidad. Cada mensaje problematiza y resuelve una situación concreta de riesgo y prevención de COVID-19.
Presenters Enriqueta Valdez-Curiel
University Of Guadalajara
Miguel Brito
HC3 Guatemala
Patricia Poppe
Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs (CCP)
Serious game intervention based on the theories of behavior change to build resilience against health misinformation and boost a user’s ability to engage in open, non-polarizing conversations with close connections
Multimedia ShowcasePractice-oriented proposals 09:15 AM - 10:30 AM (Africa/Casablanca) 2022/12/06 08:15:00 UTC - 2022/12/06 09:30:00 UTC
Health misinformation circulates not just online but is spread offline in communities between social groups and amongst our close connections. It has always been a public health challenge, but its harmful impact has increased over the years by the infodemic, described as an overwhelming amount of information, some accurate and some not, including misinformation, all of which makes it difficult for people to find reliable health information to better protect themselves and their loved ones.
Although the supply of COVID-19 vaccines has grown substantially in the past year, the Infodemic, including mis- and disinformation, has continued to affect vaccine confidence, a major operational threat to high COVID-19 uptake leading to more than 80% of Ministries of Health reporting that they are tracking COVID-19 misinformation. 
Vaccine confidence can be protected by ensuring misinformation and information voids are quickly detected and addressed, and that the benefits and safety of vaccines is promoted through trusted messengers and networks.
In response, WHO and others have called for a whole of society, evidence-based response to the Infodemic. It includes using approaches and interventions that promote resilience to health misinformation and techniques for pandemic prevention.
This study aims to assess the efficacy of a behaviorally-informed, digital serious game intervention that trains people in having conversations about vaccines and to create a supportive environment for healthy behaviors. By increasing self-efficacy, the game improves engagement with close connections in COVID-19 conversations, in a manner that is not polarising and is supportive of opposing viewpoints.
Brian Yau
World Health Organization
Javier Elkin
World Health Organization
Sandra Machiri
African Field Epidemiology Network
Catherine Bertrand-Ferrandis
Atsuyoshi Ishizumi
World Health Organization
Derrick Muneene
World Health Organization
Shanthi Pal
World Health Organisation
Tim Nguyen
World Health Organization
Tina Purnat
World Health Organization
World Health Organization
World Health Organization
University of Guadalajara
 Virginia  Williams
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Farm Radio International
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Mr. Pablo Cruz
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